Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lecture Summary - Week 6

The Consumption and Production of Media

I really enjoyed the lecture this week. It was based around the consumption and production of media on the big and small screen. The lecturer was really interesting. Not only did he tell us about the consumption and production of media, he also got us thinking about the problems involved within the media as well.

In the lecture we learnt about fan films and what they were associated with. I had never heard of a fan film before this week’s lecture, so I’m proud to say I actually learnt something for once. Fan films are mostly based around science fiction movies. We got to see the fan film of the movie ’80 days later’. I haven’t seen the real movie, but the fan film was definitely interesting to say the least, and on top of that, quite comical.

We also got to watch the re-cut/mash up/re-genre of the horror movie ‘Shining’. The way it was re-cut/mashed up/re-genre (from now on I’m going to just call it a mash up), made the movie seem like it was a romantic comedy. The way they put it together was brilliant. I would’ve never of thought to do something like that.

Another video we got to watch in class was the mash up of the family favourite, Mary Poppins. The way this fan film had been put together made the original movie look like a thriller. This part of the lecture was also very amusing. It’s weird to see one of your all-time favourite childhood movies be portrayed as a movie that would give you nightmares for weeks.

Coming near to the end of this week’s lecture, the lecturer filled us in on the popularity of video recording off a mobile phone. People can film things on their mobile phone and create movies from it. Mobile phones have become the easiest way to film ‘breaking news’ mainly because you are able to send it anywhere in the world at any time of day.

All in all, I would have to say that was my favourite lecture so far in the course. I enjoyed writing about it just as much as I enjoyed being there.

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